If you are looking to get brand awareness or stand out in a crowd then holographic content is what you need.
Our Holographic units consists solo units of either 22cm or 30cm diameter of four LED lightblades that spin at 690 revolutions per minute. Each solo unit can be expanded by the adding additional units and holographic walls of any size up to 20m x 10m can be achieved.
So how does it work?
We take a static image, video or HDMI feed, and use our propriartry software to covert that to animated 3D image that is then projected to the light blades.
The blades when turning are not visible to the human eye as such the light image emitted from the blades allows the 3D image to float as if in mid air.
Our units can also play coded video or live HDMI feeds including Human holograms.
If you would like to know more or see our holographic products in action then we would be happy to demonstrate them to you.
Visit the link to our VSN website to find out more.